Getting started

How to register with the NHS Scotland COPD service.

Register with the COPD Support Service

You need to apply to join the service before you can start using it.

Once your application has been approved, we'll send you an email asking for permission to view your health data.


In the email, click 'Allow access'.


You'll be taken to the service and prompted to log in or register. Click 'Register'.


Enter your name, date of birth and email address. You'll also need to create a passphrase. (Make sure you remember your passphrase: you'll need it to sign in later!)


Give us permission to access your healthcare and personal information. You'll need to provide all these permissions for the service to work properly.


You're all signed up! Use your email address and password to sign in to the COPD Support Service. (Note: you can only access the service via this link if you have followed the steps above.)